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Why I Created The Local History Videos Website
Vintage film and old photos are a great way to bring local history to life. Everything from old photograph montages, vintage postcards and photographs, cinema newsreels, TV programmes, and home videos have been uploaded to the internet. They can both fascinate and bring back happy memories.
But much of this footage, especially on YouTube, remains hidden from popular view because of the sheer quantity of content online today.
And then, of course, the algorithms often struggle to understand what you’re really looking for. Did you mean Bedford town or Bedford trucks? Birmingham in the West Midlands or Birmingham in Alabama? A film made in Liverpool in the past – or a film talking about Liverpool in the past?
It takes hours to sort through the jumble of suggestions to find a collection of gems. So this site curates a collection of videos and old images that exist about your local area.
I hope you enjoy what you discover here. If you do, please tell your friends!
Latest Posts
- Rochester, Pennsylvania in Historic Images of the Past
- Old Images of Juneau, Alaska
- Old Photos of Phoenix, Arizona
- Labor Rights in Old Birmingham, Alabama
- Birmingham, Alabama in the 1930s
- Birmingham, Alabama in 1926
- The Finley Roundhouse at Birmingham, Alabama
- Company Housing in Old Birmingham, Alabama
- Making Concrete in Old Birmingham, Alabama
- The Steel Industry in Birmingham, Alabama
- Old Photos of the Workers of Mobile, Alabama
- The Child Workers of Birmingham, Alabama
