Old Images of Sheringham, Norfolk

Old photo of Sheringham Norfolk England taken from the East Cliff

Glimpse history through old images of Sheringham, Norfolk, England.

This page combines the coastal town of Sheringham, which used to be known as Lower Sheringham, and Upper Sheringham, a nearby village slightly inland.

Aristocratic Wedding (1938)

In 1938, the Honourable Valerie Mansfield (1918-1995), daughter of Lord and Lady Sandhurst, married George Parker (1914-1992), aka Lord Parker, 8th Earl of Macclesfield, at All Saints Church, Upper Sheringham.

Lord and Lady Sandhurst had married at the same church in 1917.

As the bride and groom left the church, the local lifeboat crew formed a guard of honour with their ours.

The politician and his new wife went on to have two sons, Jonathan and Richard Parker. They are distant relatives to Brigadier Andrew Parker Bowles, first husband of the Queen Consort.

Wedding At Upper Sheringham, Norfolk (1938) – British Pathé on YouTube

A Bit of Sheringham History

Extract from “Post office directory of the Norfolk counties; viz.: – Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk [afterw.] Post office directory of Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk [afterw.] The Post office directory of Norfolk and Suffolk [afterw.] Kelly’s directory of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk” by Kelly’s Directories, Ltd

Published in 1875

Pages 438 – 439

SHERINGHAM is a parish, comprising the villages of UPPER and LOWER SHERINGHAM, about 5 miles west from Cromer, 5 east – north – east from 11 Holt, and 14 from North Walsham station, in the Northern division of the county, North Erpingham hundred, Erpingham union, Holt county court district, rural deanery of Repps, archdeaconry of Norfolk, and diocese of Norwich.

The surface is undulated, and the scenery, richly embellished with wood, is in some parts beautifully picturesque.

The village is supplied with water brought by pipes to a large reservoir, formed in 1814.

In Upper Sheringham is the parish church of All Saints, a handsome building, in the Early and Later English styles, with a lofty square embattled tower containing 6 bells: it has a handsome monument to Abbot Upcher esq.; and two memorial windows, one to the Hon. Mrs. Upcher, and the other to Miss Upcher, daughter of H. R. Upcher, esq.; there are also a few old brasses, and a rare and curious old rood – loft and screen. The register dates from the year 1670.

The living is a vicarage, yearly value between £ 65 and £ 75, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich, and held by the Rev. Lethbridge Moore, M.A., of Caius College, Cambridge.

The vicarage house is a modern building on an elevated site in Upper Sheringham.

Here is a school for children of both sexes, and a reading – room, opened in 1864.

The fuel allotment of 34 acres is cut by the poor, who have £19 yearly from charities.

LOWER SHERINGHAM is situated on the cliffs, and is a considerable fishing station, having a road and rivulet winding down to the beach through a ravine.

Here are curing houses, and about 200 boats, used in the fishery of cod, skate, whiting, crabs, and lobsters, of which great quantities are sent to Norwich and Lynn; about 23 of these boats are large, and fitted for deep sea fishing.

The coastguard stationed here consists of an officer and six men.

In 1857 the Hon. Mrs. Upcher presented a lifeboat to the parish, but in 1864 a new one from the National Lifeboat Institution was presented by Miss Duncan, of Bath, in memory of her uncle and father, Philip Berry Duncan, and John Shute Dunean, esqrs., of Oxford, and a suitable house has been built for its reception, where there is also a rocket apparatus: a large room in this house has been fitted up as a library and reading – room for the special use of the fishermen.

Sheringham Hall, the seat of H. R. Upcher, esq., D.L., is a white brick mansion, in a well – wooded park, commanding extensive sea view.

The chief landowners are H. R. Upcher, esq., who is lord of the manor, and T. W. Cremer, esq.

The soil is light; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley and grass.

The area is 2,181 acres; rateable value, £ 3,187; and the population in 1871 was 1,248.

Parish Clerk, Timothy Murrell.

POST OFFICE, Upper Sheringham. – Mrs. Hannah Lown, receiver. Letters through Norwich, arrive at 9.25 a.m.; dispatched at 1.55 p.m.

The nearest money order office  is at Lower Sheringham POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank, Lower  Sheringham – Benj. B. Barcham, receiver.

Letters through Norwich, arrive at 9.15 a.m.; dispatched at 2.25 p.m

Registrar of Births & Deaths for Cromer District, J.   A. Thursby

Coast Guard Station, Jsph. David Lumsden, chief officer


School, Thos. Almond, master; Mrs. Elizh. Almond, mistress
  Mixed ( Lower Sheringham ), Miss Jeary, mistress
  Infant ( Lower Sheringham ), Mrs. Martha Long, mistress
  Parochial ( LowerSheringham ), Miss Frances Boot, mistrs

CARRIERS TO NORWICH. – Robert Olley, jan. from his house, Lower Sheringham, tuesday & friday, returning the following days; John Jordan & Co. to ‘Golden Lion’

Augustas G Blachford Major – General
Moore Rev. Lethbridge, M.A. (vicar), Vicarage
Pigott Mrs. The Old house
Upcher Henry Morris, J.P. The Hall
Upcher Henry R. D.L., J.P. The Hall

Barcham Benjamin Barcham, grocer, & post office
Chambers William, butcher & farmer
Chesney William, tailor
Clarke Charles, shoe maker
Cooper Mary ( Mrs. ), shoe maker
Cooper Robert, twine spinner
Cooper Theophilus, farmer
Cox John, cabinet maker & shopkeeper
Cox Robert, Crown
Craske Thomas, grocer & draper
Critoph Robert, corn miller

Critoph Robert John, farmer
Cubitt James, farmer
Culley William, butcher
Dennis James, Dunstable House
Dennis Robert, butcher & farmer
Dyball Jonathan, shopkeeper
Emery Lewis, boat builder
Francis James, ironmonger
Groom James, twine spinner
Hammond Robert, beer retailer
Hurry William, blacksmith
Jordan John & Co. carriers
Jordan Matthew, beer retailer & farmer
Kerrison & Nightingale, auctioneers,  valuers & appraisers
Kerrison George, grocer & draper
Lambert William, shoe maker
Leeder Thomas, baker
Love George, tailor & hairdresserLown Leonard, carpntr. & boat builder
Middleton & Son, ironmongers
Nightingale Joseph, fish merchant
Olley Robert, farmer
Olley Robert, jun. Windham Arms, carrier & fish curer
Pigott James, farmer
Pigott Robert, farmer
Ransome Hy. Pegg, Red Lion, & farmr
Reynolds James, fish curer & farmer
Reynolds John, twine spinner
Reynolds William Thomas, Lobster inn
Smith Charles, twine spinner
Thursby Joseph Augustus, registrar of births & deaths, & farmer
Wilson Robert, twine spinner
Woodhouse Edmund & Saml. rope mas
Woodhouse William, shoe maker
Youngman Henry, plumber & glazier

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