Old Images of Hingham, Norfolk

Old photo of Hingham Norfolk England 1913

Glimpse history through old images of Hingham, Norfolk, England.

Grandsire Triples (2010)

Ringing at Hingham, Norfolk – ItsAlexOmg on YouTube

A bit of Hingham history

Extract from “Kelly’s Directory of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk

Published in 1883

Pages 345 – 347

HINGHAM is a small market town and parish about 116 miles from London, 6 west from Wymondham and 3 south – west from Kimberley and Hardingham stations on the Dereham branch line, in the Southern division of the county, Foreloe hundred and union, Wymondham county court district, rural deanery of Hingham, archdeaconry of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich.

The church of St. Andrew, a noble edifice of stone, is a fine specimen of the Decorated style, it has chancel, lofty nave, aisles, and a massive tower containing 8 bells: in the chancel is a stained window, placed there by John, first Lord Wodehouse, in 1813: the aisles are separated from the nave on either side by six arches: on the north side of the chancel is a lofty and highly – wrought monument to Thomas Lord Morley, Marshal of Ireland, who died in 1435; in the south aisle some fine cartoons were discovered in 1855, on scraping portions of the walls: the church interior has undergone various alterations and improvements during the past few years; a new organ was added in 1878 costing £ 550; in the same year a massive brass lectern was given by Lady Mary Currie; carved oak stalls were erected in the chancel, and a two – light window in the south wall of the chancel, which had been blocked up, was reopened and filled with stained glass: in the east end of the south aisle is a three – light stained window representing The Sermon on the Mount; ” it is in memory of Martin Baylie Darby, rector for nearly fifty years of the adjoining parish of Hackford and who resided at Hingham, and who died March 15th, 1880: the window was the gift of parishioners in the south aisle are three two – light stained windows, one to the memory of Elizabeth Hodgson, who died 16th August, 1850; another, representing St. Peter and St. Paul was erected to the memory of Edmond William West Clarke, a resident of Hingham who died 26th January, 1881; the other, representing an act of charity, is to the memory of Elizabeth Coekell, who died February 17th, 1879: the east end of the chancel has been raised and paved with marble mosaic work: in 1882 a handsome new Dosal ‘ or hanging, under the east window was put up; it is of red silk plush stamped with a pattern and has four Orphreys or stripes of silk embroidered in gold colour, two with corn and grapes and two with (conventional) roses, the whole at the expense of the rector.

The register dates from the year 1601.

The living is a rectory, yearly value, £ 1,260, with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Kimberley, and held since 1873 by the Rev. Maynard Wodehouse Currie M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, rural dean.

The Rev. Robert Peck M.A. formerly rector of this parish, was a man of very violent schismatic temper, who pulled down the rails, and levelled the altar and the whole chancel a foot below the church (since raised two steps).

But being prosecuted for it by Bishop Wren, he fled the kingdom, and went over to New England, with many of his parishioners, who sold their estates for half their value, and conveying all their effects to that new plantation, erected a town and colony of the name of Hingham, where many of their posterity still remain.

Hearing that the bishops were deposed, he left the place, and came back to Hingham in the year 1646, after ten years voluntary banishment, resumed his rectory, and died in the year 1656.

Here is a Congregational chapel, and one belonging to the Primitive Methodists.

The fuel allotment of 34 acres produces £ 24 yearly, which is distributed among the resident poor of the parish in coals; and charities producing £ 41 13s. 11d. yearly are distributed in bread to the poor.

The Market day is Tuesday.

Hingham Hall, the seat of Rawdon Hunter – Makett es. J.P. is a large handsome brick mansion, standing in a well – wooded demesne of about 50 acres. The Earl of Kimberley is lord of the manor and chief landowner. Mrs. Hurnard is lady of the manor of Hingham Gurneys.

The soil is of a mixed nature; sub soil, clay and brick earth.

The chief crops are turnips, barley, wheat and marigolds.

The parish consists of 3,645 acres; rateable value £ 9,000; the population in 1881 was 1,554.

Parish Clerk, John Sare.

POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Bank – Thomas Kingaby, receiver.

Letters are received from Attleborough at 5.15 a.m. dispatched at 8.15 p.m. Box closes at 8 p.m. Savings bank business transacted from 9a.in. to 6 p.m
Assistant Overseer, William Newson

Norwich Union Fire & Life, J. Feltham
Sun Fire, T. P. Viall

A School Board of 35 members was formed in 1873; P. H. Davis, clerk to the Board
An Endowed school was founded & handsomely endowed in 1727 by William Parlett esq.; the income now amounts to about £ 200 yearly.

By a new scheme, approved May, 1883, by the Privy Council, the school is called the Hingham Endowed School, & the present bead master is still to hold the appointment. The governing body consists of ten persons, of whom three are co – optative; three scholarships of not less than £ 8 or more than £ 10 are available for boys from the elementary schools of Hingham, Woodrising & South Burgh. A sum of £ 60 will be applied to establishing & maintaining exhibitions tenable at a school of a higher grade for boys who have been at this school for not less than three years.

The old National school is now used as a sunday school. Thomas Spencer Turner, head master; Arthur George Turner B.A. second master Board School, opened in 1875 for 275 children; average attendance, 243; Charles John King, master; Mrs. Elizabeth King, mistress; Miss Harriet Pottle, infants ‘ mistress

CARRIERS TO NORWICH. – John Laskey, mon. wed. & sat. returning same days; Jolin Risebrook, tues, thurs.
& sat

Alexander George
Beevor Sir Thomas bert. J.P
Crawshay Charles J.P
Currie Rev. Maynard Wodehouse M.A.,
J.P. [ rector ], & Lady Mary
Davis Rev. Philip Henry [ Congregational ]
Dodman Mrs
Driver Mrs
Elsy George
Feltham Daniel
Feltham Henry
Feltham James
Griston Mrs
Gurdou Mrs. Bears farm
Heald Robert
Howard Philip
Hunter Muskett Rawdon J.P. Hingham hall
Hurnard Mrs. Gurneys manor
James Rev. Charles Warburton M.A. curate ]
King Charles John
Kirk James
Lack Thomas Lambert
Laing Mrs
Large William Hastings
Matthews Mrs
Miller Rev. John Lacy [ rector of Hackford ]
Mustard Rev. David M.A. [ curate ]
Ormsby Mrs
Sawyer Mrs
Smith George
Stedman Mrs.
Tallent Mrs. Beaconsfield house
Turner Arthur George B.A. [ second ] master of Endowed school ]
Turner Thomas Spencer [ head master of Endowed school ]
Watson Mrs
Withers Capt. W
Wood Capt. Robert John, The Limes


Allen Williain, farmer, Lyngwhite

Andrews Richard & Son, builders

Andrews Charles, chimney sweeper

Ayers Thomas Francis, draper & grocer

Bayes Thomas, farmer

Bilham Mark, bricklayer

Boyce William, chimney sweeper

Bunn Benjamin, cooper

Bush Frederick, farmer, Lyngwhite

Bush John, bricklayer

Bution Elizabeth ( Mrs. ), milliner & dress maker

Cannell Abraham, farrier

Carlton David, farmer & borse dealer, Manson Green farm

Claxton Edmund, farmeri

Cook Frederick, baker & corn dealer

Cooper John, shoe maker

Cordy John, beer retailer

Daws Henry, watch maker

Doduan Richard, chimney sweeper

Doe George, farmer

Dowsing Benjamin, fishmonger

Duchess Thomas, market gardener & seedsman

Eagling Jn. & Edwd. boot & shoe miks

Edwards William Theophilus, farmer

Faux Charles, fishmonger

Feltham Fairman, harness m ker

Feltham Hannah ( Miss ), confectioner

Feltham Henry, shopkeeper

Feltham Henry, solicitor

Feltham James, solicitor, & registrar to the county court at Wynondham

Feltham Philip, painter & glazier

Feltham Robert, farmer

Feltham William, gun maker & black smith

Frankland Charles, tinman & brazier

Gapp Alfred, beer retailer & corn dir

Gapp Philip, blacksmith

Gas Works Charles Lee, sec.; Henry Balls, manager

Gee John, fariner, Hall moor

Gibbs Robert Ellis, carpenter

Goodrick Geo. Jas, boot & shoe maker

Gricks John, Cock commercial inn

Gricks John, jun, stone & marble masn

Griston Ellen ( Mrs. ), shopkeeper

Gurneys, Birkbecks, Barclay & Buxton, bankers ( branch ) ( James William Cooper, agent ), open on tuesday & friday from 10 to 3; draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London e.e

Hallock Edwd. carpenter & cabinet ma

Harrieon Robert, farmer

Harwood George, beer retailer

Harwood George Janez, builder

Heald Robert, surgeon & medical officer No. 2 district, Wymondham union

Hilling Emily ( Mrs. ), shopkeeper

Hingham Endowed School ( Thomas Spencer Turner, head master; Arthur George Turner, second master )

Holley Charles, beer retailer

Holman Palmer, farmer

Hook George, be – r retailer

Howard Philip, wine, spirit, ale, porter & hop merchant

Howchin Robert, hutcher

Howlett John, tailor

Hoy John, watch & clock maker

Hunt Thomas, baker

Hunton John, iron founder

Jarvis C. M. & C. E. brick & tile manufacturers

Jenness George, butcher

Jenness Sarah ( Mrs. ), pork butcher

Jude Charles, farmer

King Edward, boot & shoe maker

Kingaby Thomas, stationer & postmaster

Kitteringham Henry, grocer, draper & auctioneer

Knott Wm. threshing machine owner

Lack & Heald, surgeons

Lack Thomas Lambert, surgeon medical officer of health for the rural sanitary authority, Wymondham union

Lancaster William, Unicorn

Land Gen, farmer, Gurneys Manor frm

Laskey John, carrier

Lee Charles, plumber & glazier

Leech Mary ( Mrs ), shopkeeper

Lilley Geo. carpenter & ter retailer

Mapes Sammel James, shoe maker

Middleton John, saddler

Moore George, general dealer

Mortlock Thomas, general dealer

Mutlett William, painter & glazier

Murrell Benjamin, cornehandler

Newson William, Ringers, & assistant overseer & Resor

Nicholson John Norton, butcher & farmer

Norton Henry Thos. frmr. Cutbush frm.

Norton John, tailor & draper

Owles Henry William, White Hart commercial inn, & farmer

Pearce Robert, farmer, Pitts farm

Pegnall Heury, farm bailiff to the Rev.  M. W. Currie M.A

Pitts Geo. Waller, baker & miller (wind)

Pottle Thomas, basket maker

Rae James Edgar, travelling draper 

Riebes Henry, thrashing machine owner & miller

Risebrook John, carrier

Rose James, draper

Rose Philip Wilson, boot & shoe maker

Sainty James, beer retailer & blacksmith

Sare John, tailor & parish clerk

Seaman Charles, farmer

Semmence Francis, tailor

Semmence John, butcher & farmer

Sewell Arthur, farmer & landowner

Starke Isaac, farmer

Stockings Charles, farmer, Warren farm

Talbot Leonard Thompson, wheelwright

Thompson Edward, farmer

Thurston Mary ( Mrs. ), baker

Tillett John Plowman, farmer

Vassar Charles, veterinary surgeon

Viall Thomas Parmenter, ironmonger

Vince James, grocer & draper

Vincent Lacey Andrews, ironmonger & chemist, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants; & atWatton

WallerHannah (Miss), straw bonnet maker

Webb Henry E. horse breaker

Websdale William, Dog inn

Whitear Thomas, grocer, draper & wine & spirit merchant

Whyatt John, farmer

Whyatt John, jun, farmer

Wright William, farm bailiff to R. H. Muskett eq

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