Schools In Bedford, England

School films

Schools in Bedford, in the olden days.

Bedford Modern School in the 1960s

Bedford Modern School is an independent school for boys. It was founded in 1552, thanks to the endowments left by Sir William Harpur.

Film of Bedford Modern School in 1966 by School Film Unit:

BMS 1966 – Part 1 – Andrew Baker on YouTube

Bedford Modern School in 1966 by the School Film Unit:

BMS 1966 – Part 2 – Andrew Baker on YouTube

Bedford Modern School in 1966 by the School Film Unit:

BMS 1966 – Part 3 – Andrew Baker on YouTube

Bedford School 

This video gives insight into life at Bedford School, Bedford, UK, a decade into the 21st Century.

Bedford School Academic – dhunnie on YouTube

Education Policy In Bedfordshire

Councillor Mark Versallion, Executive Member for Childrens Services in Central Bedfordshire Council, talks about the changes to schools in Central Bedfordshire. Recorded in 2013.

Changes to schools in Central Bedfordshire 2013 – Central Bedfordshire Council on YouTube

Bedfordshire Gifts

Gifts for the loveliest grandma in Bedfordshire, from Redbubble.

More about Bedfordshire


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Image: thanks to Gábor Adonyi from Pixabay 

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