Old Images of Cullercoats

Old photo of the beach at Cullercoats in 1890

Glimpse history through old images of Cullercoats, on the seafront of North East England.

Lifeboat Day 1933

The newsreel opens with two lines of men dragging the lifeboat out of the shed and up the incline.

Over the past 12 years, the fish wives had raised over £1,500 on Lifeboat parade days. We see them and their young daughters holding model lifeboat shaped collecting tins, and wearing fishwife shawls which can also cover the head. The leader, Polly (Dampkin?) was 75 years old was given a gold brooch from the Prince of Wales.

Cullercoats Fish Wives And Holiday Crowds (1933) – British Pathé

1987 Waves

This is a quick clip of the waves crashing over the barrier at the Cullercoats seafront in 1987.

At the end, the camera pans round to the houses along the seafront, shows some cars and pedestrians travelling along the main road, and then shows some of the people down on the stormy beach. Finally, we see the front of the amusements arcade.

Cullercoats 1987 Rough Seas – Newcastle Upon Tyne & UK – Video from the past

Historic Book

Extract from

An Address to the Fishermen of Cullercoats.”

Published 1848

THE awful calamity which, a few weeks ago, occurred at Cullercoats, is too well known amongst you to require any particular description.

The sun shone brightly on the morning of the 2nd of 2nd mo. ( Feb.), 1848. The pilot and the fisherman were pursuing their accustomed employment, and life looked fair before you; and there was little thought of sorrow, or of death and eternity, being so near at hand.

The sea was high , but no particular danger was apprehended, when seven of your companions embarked in their little coble, with the intention of piloting some vessels into Shields harbour.

Many of you were eye witnesses of the awful scene that quickly followed: before they had crossed the bar of Cullercoats haven, a heavy sea broke into the boat , which was speedily upset , and then lay rolling over and over among the breakers .

Two of the men were swept from its bows immediately , and were seen
no more ; three of the others clung for a considerable time to the boat , but eventually their strength gave way ; the two others , James Stocks ,
and George Lisle , jun . , supported themselves on the masts or oars , and were drifted round the south point to Cullercoats Sands , where they sunk to rise no more , in the presence of their afflicted relatives , friends , and companions .

The sea had risen to such a height , that no boat could approach the sufferers ; and those on shore were unable to reach them with the ropes and bladders thrown out for their rescue . Every effort to save them was ineffectual ; and thus , at a most unexpected moment , you have seen your companions , in the time of health and strength , suddenly called to appear before Him who is the Judge of the whole earth , to render an account of the deeds done in the body , whether they have been good or evil . Now we are affectionately solicitous that each one of you should bring this solemn event home to his own heart .

If thou , reader , hadst been one of the number in that little boat – if the waves had closed over thee — what ground of hope is thine , that thy immortal soul would have been admitted into that blessed kingdom , where we are told nothing that is impure or unholy can ever enter ? We know not to whom the next solemn summons may be sent ; but if the call go forth to thee , ” Steward , give up thy stewardship ,

The for thou mayest be no longer steward , ” art thou prepared to ” render up thy account with joy ” ? God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish , but should have everlasting life . ” The true believer in Christ will manifest his faith by his works . Our dear Redeemer said , a tree is known by its fruits , ” for a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit , neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit . ” apostle also says , ” Be not deceived , God is not mocked ; for whatsoever a man soweth , that shall he also reap . ” ” For he that soweth to
the flesh , shall of the flesh reap corruption ; but he that soweth to the Spirit , shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting . ” Let us , then , enquire
what are the works of the flesh . The same apostle tells us they are manifest ( that is , in your consciences ) , among which are these : Adultery , fornication , uncleanness , hatred , variance , wrath , strife , envyings , murders , drunkenness , and revellings ; of which he says that they that do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of
God .

Now if you are living in the practice of any of these sins , ( oh ! how awful the thought ! ) you are in danger of being cast into that lake , ” where their worm dieth not , and the fire is not quenched . ” And , even in this life , does not the indulgence in these sinful gratifications render you unhappy ? The prophet says , ” The wicked are like the troubled sea , when it cannot rest , whose waters cast up mire and dirt . There is no peace , saith my God , to the wicked . ” Oh ! listen , therefore , whilst time and opportunity are afforded ; listen , we affectionately entreat such , before it is too late , to the gracious warning and invitation thus afresh extended .

You know that one of your companions , now , we reverently trust , in the enjoyment of that precious reward promised to the righteous , laboured earnestly for your spiritual welfare .

George Lisle , jun . , often invited you to come away from the public house ; he was deeply concerned for your immortal souls ; he knew that ” the wages of sin is death , but the gift of God eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord . ” He saw some of you , as it were , standing on the brink of a precipice ; he warned you of the danger ; he pointed to the path of safety ; he invited you to go with him to the little chapel , and not to spend your Sabbaths in breaking the holy commandments of the Lord , in drunkenness , in swearing , in taking God’s holy name in vain .

He has been known to declare that often , when he was out at sea , and his lines were cast , would he sit at midnight , and muse upon the wonders of redeeming love , fervently praying , not only that himself and all dear to him might be truly conformed to the image of their Saviour , but that all might repent , and turn from their evil ways and live .

If you neglected to attend to his counsel whilst he was with you, if you
refused to accept his invitations then, oh! let him now speak to you as from his watery grave, and obey the call, to return, repent, and live.”

The Post Office Directory of Durham and Northumberland

by Kelly and Company

Published in 1879

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