Nantwich: Old Photos & Film

Nantwich Cheshire England UK salt industry

Nantwich is an ancient town located in the county of Cheshire, in a region called North West England. It’s often praised as a good place to live thanks to its mix of historic buildings, leisure and shopping facilities, and easy access to major employment destinations.

Nantwich In The 1960s

“K-9 Fashion Aka Dog Fashions Beware – Other Colour Pics Share This Title (1965)

British Pathé . A 1965 film of a Nantwich factory which made coats, hats and jewellery for dogs. Later scenes show a fashion show for dogs.

Worth watching to hear the posh narrator say “Some bitch will wear what they make here, and that’s not rudery”!

Nantwich In The 1970s

“Nantwich MX 1971

Dave Sinnett: “Hatherton Hall, near Nantwich – August 1971 and John & Dave Sinnett are racing each other on Maico’s. John is in yellow on the 400cc machine and Dave in blue riding gear on the 250cc. We swapped tanks for the day for some reason – you can clearly see this on the movie.”

Nantwich In The 1980s

“Nantwich Triathlon 1985

John Hickson: “One of the first Nantwich Triathlons to be competed for. A far cry from present day standards!”

“Nantwich Market Day 1985

John Hickson: “Scenes from Nantwich markets, the indoor and outdoor Thursday Markets plus the Peter Wilson weekly house clearance auctions in the old schoolyard during 1985.”

“1985 British Motocross Championship Nantwich

STAFFIHOUND – Race 2 of the 1985 british motocross championship.

“Nantwich May Queen 1988 HB

John Hickson: “This coverage of the ‘Crowning of the May Queen’ (I think that is was anyway) dated 1988. Lots of people on there known to me, lots of Louise Hickson’s classmates from the Weaver Primary School. Also, Zoe Fitch there is a shot of your parents shop sign in Pillory Street at about 1 minute into the video.”

“VHS Video 20 05 Red Cow Renovation

John Hickson – “Video taken in the Nantwich pub The Red Cow during some major renovations taking place in about 1988.”

“Steam Train Nantwich 1988

John Hickson – A steam train comes through Nantwich Station in 1988. Lots of clear shots of the people on the platform.

Nantwich In the 1990s

“The Welsh Marches Express 1992

Peter – “34027 Taw Valley leaving Crewe with The Welsh Marches Express spring 1992 heading toward Nantwich.”

The Town from 2000 to 2009

“Nantwich town centre, feb 2008

Trefechan – A short clip of the old Cheshire town.

“Nantwich Town (Cheshire UK) My Birth Place

5 Apr 2008 – sirdarren5 –  “A collection of pictures taken of Nantwich Town in Cheshire, The place where I was born.”

“Nantwich Museum

15 Apr 2008 – CheshireMuseums – A short film about the museum and the history of Nantwich.

“British pubs – Crewe and Nantwich 2008

Trefechan – Pubs in the Crewe and Nantwich area.

“Nantwich Salt / Brine Spring

16 Jun 2008 – Tim P: “The remaining visible Salt / Brine spring next to the mill pool in Nantwich. It was these salt springs which attracted the first settlers to the area in prehistory. The more famous Old Biot spring is on the east side of the Weaver and is diverted to the Brine Baths.”

Nantwich 2010

“Nantwich Beer Festival 2010

Bryan Spink – Nantwich Beer Festival 2010

Like all mobile phone footage taken in 2010, the film quality is poor. But some clear shots of the event’s visitors.

“Nantwich Food Festival 2010

Robert Malcolm

“snow in nantwich

Jak Kazi.

Until 2010, the UK had become used to mild winters with only occasional, light snow which quickly disappeared. Because of this, the deep snow which arrived early and settled for several days in 2010 and the following winters were a great surprise.

“Nantwich – The One Show

12 Oct 2010 – johnshone1984. The One Show 2010 – Accounts of the lives of local people working in Nantwich, Cheshire.

The Town In 2011 And Beyond

“James Martin at Nantwich Cheese Show

27 Jul 2011 – Manchester Evening News

“Battle of Nantwich 2011

Cibie01 – “Holly Holy Day 2011 and the troops march down welsh row. Sealed knot doing what they do best.”


29 Oct 2011 – MrElephant47. “This is the old market town of Nantwich…very friendly people.”


16 Feb 2012 – MrElephant47 – “Here is another video from the town of Nantwich in Cheshire,and you can see the town crier [john-parsons] in full voice.”

“Nantwich lights switch on 1-12-12

AvTuKs – The Christmas lights are switched on in Nantwich, December 2012.

“Nantwich Town Cryer’s Competition!

27 Jul 2013 – Julie Davies

“Nantwich Town Council

2 Nov 2013 – willowvideoclips.

“The Nantwich Town Council is responsible for many things in and around Nantwich, looking after many places like The Nantwich Civic Hall and The Farmers Market. Its involved in The Jazz Festival and local street entertainment and the Christmas lights switch on, to name but a few. This growing video markets their duties and helps promote Nantwich as a great venue for visitors.”

” The Christmas lights saga between Crewe and Nantwich ending?

20 Aug 2014 – Cheshire East Exposed

The town of Crewe passed its Christmas lights to the local Council, who thought they were unwanted and passed them on to Nantwich. Consequently a big argument and threats of legal action arose between the parties!

“Domesday Morris at Holly Holy Day, Nantwich 2017

From YouTube channel Jen Ogle.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Nantwich famous for?

Nantwich is today famous for having one of the highest concentrations of listed buildings in England, second only to Chester, with many Tudor and Gerogian buildings still in use. However, for around two thousand years it was a major centre of salt production.How did Nantwich get its name?

In 1194 Nantwich was known as Nametwihc, later as Wich Malbanc, by the 18th century as Namptwych. Old English word namet (the most famous), Welsh words Nant (place in a river valley, Wich and wych (wells or brine springs) may have led to the naming of this town known for its salt production.Who started the Great Fire of Nantwich?

A brewer from Waterlode accidentally started the Great Fire of Nantwich on December 10, 1583. The burning of 150 buildings over 20 days meant most of the town to the east of the Weaver was lost. Queen Elizabeth I contributed to the rebuilding funds.

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Thanks to Jason Tuinstra for use of the image of salt shown at the top of this page, shown because Nantwich was producing salt as far back as the days of Roman occupation.

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