Category: Alabama
Labor Rights in Old Birmingham, Alabama
The labor movement in Birmingham, Alabama, has been a significant part of the city’s industrial history, characterized by a struggle for workers’ rights, labor organization, and social justice.
Birmingham, Alabama in the 1930s
Step back in time to 1930s Birmingham, Alabama, a vibrant city struggling with the impact of the Great Depresssion.
Birmingham, Alabama in 1926
By 1926, Birmingham, Ala., was at the height of its industrialization and a dynamic, modern place to be.
The Finley Roundhouse at Birmingham, Alabama
The Finley Roundhouse was an important part of railway history in Birmingham, Alabama. Abandoned and derelict, its roof was destroyed by a hurricane.
Company Housing in Old Birmingham, Alabama
As workers migrated into the expanding city of Birmingham, Alabama the company houses were in high demand.
Making Concrete in Old Birmingham, Alabama
Concrete was an essential part of growing the city and industries of Birmingham, Alabama.
The Steel Industry in Birmingham, Alabama
Discover why steel was such an important part of the local economy in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
Old Photos of the Workers of Mobile, Alabama
Glimpse history through old photos of adults and children at work in Mobile, Alabama, USA.
The Child Workers of Birmingham, Alabama
Discover the haunting old photos of children who worked in the factories, eateries, messaging and transportation industries of Birmingham, Alabama.
Old Images of Mobile, Alabama
Glimpse history through old images of Mobile, in Alabama, USA.