Enjoy a glimpse of history through old images of Chingford, in Greater London, England, UK.
WWI Wounded Soldiers
During the Great War, which later became known as World War I, vast numbers of wounded British soldiers were sent back to rest and recouperate in UK hospitals, often for several months.
This early film records a day when wounded soldiers were entertained at Chingford.
Hackney’s Treat For Wounded Soldiers At Chingford (1914-1918) – British Pathé on YouTube
Baden Powell (1919)
Silent, black and white footage shows Lord Robert Baden Powell presenting the French Battle honour to an English Scout master at Chingford, in front of a large group of young scouts.
The Chief Scout Presents French Battle Honour (1919)- British Pathé on YouTube
Cyclone Danny (1937)
In 1937, a fake signal box was set up at the racetrack, so the watching crowds could enjoy a fire-defying stunt by motorbike daredevil Cyclone Danny.
Motorcycle Stunt Issue Title – Going Places (1937) – British Pathé on YouTube
Modeller (1951)
In 1951, a 24-year-old from Chingford was filmed creating miniature period figures from discarded wire, modelling clay and bits of silk. At the time, Britain was still subject to heavy postwar rationing.
Period Models (1951) – British Pathé on YouTube
The Ridgeway
An vintage postcard shows The Ridgeway many decades ago.

A Bit of Chingford History
Extract from:
“Excursions in the County of Essex, Compising a Brief Historical and Topographical Delineation of Every Town and Village; Together with Descriptions of the Residences of the Nobility and Gentry, Remains of Antiquity, and Every Other Interesting Object of Curiosity · Volume 2”,
by Thomas Cromwell
Published in 1819
Pages 51 – 53
CHINGFORD lies to the right of the road, pleasantly situated upon a gentle eminence bordering upon Epping Forest, and, though so very near to the metropolis, is as retired as any village in the kingdom.
The chief manor here was given by Edward the Confessor to the cathedral of St. Paul.
From another manor here, at the survey, arose Chingford St. Paul’s and Chingford Comites ; from which another was taken, called Gowers and Buckerels.
Here is also Chingford – green, Low – street, Merry Mount, and Warren House.
Chingford church being founded on the manor of Chingford Comitis, has always been in the gift of the lords of that manor. This structure, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, consists of a body and north aisle, and is nearly covered with ivy. The chancel is of one pace with the nave, and the tower contains three bells.
Here are three ancient monuments to the memory of several of the Leigh family, formerly owners and patrons of the living ; and another to one of the Boothby family, though none of the inscriptions contain any thing remarkable, excepting that to the memory of the daughter of a former rector, upon a monument erected by a gentleman who by her sudden demise was disappointed in his intended marriage.
Chingford Hall lies low, near the river Lea, about a mile south – west of the church.
At the Reformation, Henry VIII. granted the advowson of the church to Sir Thomas Darcy.
The manor – house belonging to Chingford Comites, or Earls Chingford, stands about a mile east of the church, on the left of the road leading to Woodford, at a place called Friday Hill.
Chingford Hatch has been a capital messuage, at the bottom of the road.
GOWERS AND BUCKERELS lies due north of Friday Hill. It was formerly named Pimp’s Manor, and there is a field called Pimp’s Hall.
No mention is made of this estate till 1544, when Henry VIII. granted it to Jeffrey Lukin.
There is an estate in Chingford parish, holden of the rector, and called Scotts Mayhews, alias Brindwoods, respecting the tenure of which Mr. Morant says,” the owner on every alienation, with his wife, man servant and maid servant, each single on a horse, come to the parsonage, where the owner does his homage, and pays his relief. He blows three blasts with his horn ; carries a hawk on his fist ; his servant has a greyhound in a slip, both for the use of the rector. He receives a chicken for his hawk, a peck of oats for his horse, and a loaf of bread for his greyhound. They all dine, after which the master blows three blasts with his horn, and they all depart.”
At Chingford was Queen Elizabeth’s lodge, or the hunting seat of that princess, where, it is said, she used to ride up and down the stairs, which are constructed in such a manner, that every five are about six inches high ; and the landing – places being very broad, a horse might easily be trained to go up and down. A horse – block was lately standing on the upper most landing – place.
Mr. Heathcote, who owned the house many years since, kept a pack here, and it was afterwards inhabited by his game – keeper.
Upon Chingford Green is one of the most complete lodges, dog – kennel, and stabling in the kingdom, forming a quadrangle, belonging to W. Mellish, esq who disposed of his fine pack of stag – hounds to Lord Middleton, of Binchall, in Yorkshire.
More Pictures of Old Chingford
Old Chingford in London, England, enjoyed through historic photos, vintage pictures & archive film. Browse history in these fascinating old images of a bygone era on my Pinterest Board at:
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