Ryde, Isle of Wight: Old Photos & Film

Ryde Isle of Wight England UK local history videos

Glimpse history through old images of Ryde, on the Isle of Wight.

The English seaside town of Ryde is found on the north-east coast of the Isle of Wight. You can get there from Hampshire by taking a ferry to Ryde pier, or even by riding in a hovercraft!

Back in the 19th century the villages of Upper Ryde and Lower Ryde were expanded and merged to become a popular Victorian holiday destination. Today, its lovely beaches and the world’s oldest surviving pier means Ryde continues to draw in tourists.

Ryde Esplanade Through Time

James Fox used pictures and old photos of Ryde esplanade to show how the location has changed beyond recognition over the centuries.

Isle of Wight: Ryde Esplanade Through Time! (2018 to 1795) – The Time Travel Artist (YouTube)

The Prince of Wales Comes To Ryde, 1920s

The Prince of Wales visited the Isle of Wight in the 1920s. He later became King Edward VIII, before abdicating to marry Mr Simpson. 

The following three films from HuntleyFilmArchives briefly record the Prince’s visit to Ryde, intermingled with other locations. They show the crowds, decorated streets, naming of the Lifeboat at Yarmouth, and the moment the Prince became the first ever Freeman of the City of Portsmouth. There are also glimpses of sporting events, a ladies donkey race and a royal garden party at Buckingham Palace.

Isle of Wight, in the 1920’s — Film 90355 (YouTube)

Isle of Wight Yachting And Prince of Wales Visit, 1920s – Film 11639 (YouTube)

Ryde In The 1950s

The ISLE OF WIGHT ARCHIVE uploaded this film of 1950s Ryde and Seaview to YouTube. It shows numberous scenes of Ryde including arrival by boat at the Ryde pier head, lots of busy shots of cranes unloading, a ride on the tramway to Ryde esplanade, shots of ryde esplanade and union street, Ryde’s boating lake, Eastern gardens and pavilion, people drinking soda on deckchairs and a woman knitting.

The film moves onto Seaview and shots of the suspension pier, before returning to Ryde again for shots of the pier’s train.


C 1950 – ryde & seaview – englands garden isle – isle of wight – cine film (YouTube)

Ryde In The 1960s

This amateur shot cine film from 1961 was uploaded to YouTube by ISLE OF WIGHT ARCHIVE. It features scenes from Godshill, Ryde esplanade, and Union Street.

1961 – cine film – godshill and ryde – isle of wight (YouTube)

This amateur cine film from the 1960s has been uploaded to YouTube by ISLE OF WIGHT ARCHIVE. Footage starts with the hovercraft, and moves on to show the Ryde pavilion, Plaza Cinema, Cowes town, and boating activities.

ryde & cowes cine film – 1960s – isle of wight (YouTube)

An Amateur home movie showing steam trains in action at Ryde, Isle of Wight, in the 1960s. Uploaded to YouTube by HuntleyFilmArchives.

Steam trains at Ryde, 1960’s – Film 32919 (YouTube)

This footage of Ryde in the 1960s was uploaded to YouTube by MrRadioWonderland.

Ryde 60s I’m Gonna Be There (YouTube)

Ryde In the 1970s

Amateur cine film from 1975 filmed on the Isle of Wight, loaded to YouTube by ISLE OF WIGHT ARCHIVE.

1975 – ryde – isle of wight – browns amusements/peter pans playground – cine film

This film uploaded to YouTube by ISLE OF WIGHT ARCHIVE shows amateur cine film taken in 1977. Just at the point when you think you’ve seen a traditional British beach holiday, along comes a swarm of helicopters!

1977 – ryde / appley ETC – cine film – isle of wight (YouTube)

Ryde In the 1980s

Nicholas Tozer uploaded this early 1989 home video to YouTube. It shows  Class 485 (4-VEC) units 041/043/044 in action during a journey from Ryde Pier Head to Shanklin.

If you travelled by train during the 1980s, you’ll appreciate the quiet shots of the train interior. The ambient sounds really captured the sense of a hot English summer day.  

Isle of Wight 1989 (YouTube)

The 21st Century

SimUK filmed this video on  May 3rd 2007 at Ryde, during a week’s holiday on the Isle of Wight.

Because the 10 minute hovercraft crossing between Southsea and Ryde has been running since 1965, it is the longest established commercial hovercraft service in the world.

Some viewers may prefer to turn the sound down before playing.

Hovercrafts at Ryde, Isle of Wight (Youtube)

YouTube channel iloveryde has uploaded a video of a family playing in the snow at St.Thomas’s Church Garden, Ryde on 2nd December 2010.

After many years of mild winters, the sudden cold weather and heavy snow caused great excitement across the country.

Ryde Snow 2 (YouTube)

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