Glimpse history through fascinating old images of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
1918 Oil Wells
On September 20, 1918, the Herald and News of Newberry South Carolina published a picture of an oil well in Oklahoma.
Underneath was the following information:
People who go to the Confederate reunion at Tulsa, Oklahoma, September 26 27 inclusive, will have the opportunity of seeing a thousand oil wells in full operation. They are scattered all over that portion of Oklahoma, many of them within sight of Tulsa. More than 300,000 barrels of oil are shipped from Tulsa alone every day. They are worth an average of $2.25 a barrel. Oil is the main source of Tulsa’s wealth.

1950s Tulsa
A 1950s short history film managed to capture many different aspects of Tulsa’s local history at once.
On one level, the film tells us about the city’s development from board sidewalks and dirt roads to a bustling modern city.
It introduces us to Sam Carson, one of the people who helped that change happen. He’s a grandfather by the 1950s, and lived through the city’s transformation.
We see lots of old photos of Tulsa, with oil derricks rising out of muddy ground, and wooden stores in town.
Then there’s the completely accidental historical aspect of the film – it captures Tulsa in the 1950s. Remember, this is now more than seven decades ago, and a great deal has changed.
They visit the movie theatre, downtown streets, the Carson’s home, the University of Tulsa (where new buildings are going up), the Tulsa Planning Commission, factories, and farms.
History of Tulsa: Tulsa, Oklahoma – 1950’s American City – CharlieDeanArchives / Archival Footage – Charlie Dean Archives on YouTube
More Old Pictures of Tulsa in Oklahoma
Old Tulsa in Oklahoma, USA, enjoyed through historic photos, vintage pictures & archive film. Browse history in these fascinating old images of a bygone era on my Pinterest board at
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