Old Images of Teubrook, Liverpool

old photos and films with Local History Videos .com

Glimpse history through old images of Teubrook, Liverpool, in North West England.

Ten Pin Bowling 1962

In 1962, Merseyside’s first ten pin bowling alley was opened at the Teubrook Bowl.

It was a purpose built extension to the ABC Cinema, constructed on stilts above a car park.

Film starlets Kim Tracey, Pauline Shepherd and Dorinda Stevens enjoyed a game under the supervision of instructors, while an attendant in an upstairs office informed customers over the tannoy when their time was up.

Another Home For Tenpin Aka New Bowling Alley For Liverpool (1962) – British Pathé on YouTube

Historic Book

Extract from “Mission Life – Or Home and Foreign Church Work · Volume 8

Published in 1877

Page 257

At Tuebrook, Dr. Fitzpatrick, one of the churchwardens, made a long statement with regard to the pew system at St. John’s church, which, he alleged, was working a great amount of mischief to the parish.

The Vicar, the Rev. J. C. Reade, has been in ill-health a long time, and he had not preached or read the lessons for two years and a half. Dr. Fitzpatrick concluded a very able speech by calling upon the Vicar to resign.

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