Old Images of Southwell, Nottinghamshire

Old photo of Southwell Cathedral and Abbey Ruins, Nottinghamshire, England, pre 1905

Enjoy a glimpse of history through old images of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England, UK.

Old Pictures of Southwell

Old Photos of Southwell

Old Map of Southwell

Map of Newark and Southwell, published 1891
Map of Newark and Southwell, published 1891. Image: “Our own country. Descriptive, historical, pictorial” – British Library/Flikr

New Bishop (1928)

In 1928, the new Bishop of Southwell performed the ancient tradition of demanding admission to his Cathedral, where he was to be installed and enthroned.

Open Me The Gates Aka Open The Gates (1928) – British Pathé on YouTube

A Bit of Southwell History

Extract from:

Post Office Directory of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

Published in 1881

Pages 293 – 298

SOUTHWELL, anciently Suwelle and Sudwell, and at a still earlier period called Fings – Ceaster, is a market, union and polling town for the Southern division of the county, township, parish and station on the Mansfield, Southwell and Newark line of Midland railway, in the Newark county court district, in the rural deanery of Southwell, archdeaconry of Nottingham and diocese of Lincoln, delightfully situated on elevated ground near the western bank of the little river Greet, a tributary of the Trent, surrounded by fertile vales, encompassed by hills of considerable height and commanding an extensive view of the surrounding country.

Southwell consists of 5 parts, viz., HIGH Tows, or PREBENDAL, BASTHORPE and WESTHORPE on each side and BURGAGE and NORMANTON. The distance from London is 132 miles by road and 128 by railway, 7 west from Newark, 14 north – east from Nottingham and 22 from Lincoln.

 Southwell had once four famous wells, reputed to possess healing powers of an almost miraculous character; two of these, situated near the church, are now filled in, or covered over; the springs of the others run as strongly as ever, but the wells have disappeared.

 Petty sessions are held on Fridays, once a fortnight, at the Town Hall, which is a modern building, situated in West gate, where the market is held.

 The collegiate churels of St. Mary was founded by Paulinus, first archbishop of York, about A.D. 630, and finally surrendered to Henry VIII. in 1540, but the king refounded the chapter in 1643, and endowed the church anew with the greater part of its ancient possessions, its revenue being then estimated at £ 516 18. 61d. although it suffered again during the reign of Edward VI. who dissolved the chapter and granted the prebendal and other estates to John, Earl of Warwick, afterwards Duke of Northumberland; the latter, on his execution, were restored by Queen Mary and a charter was subsequently granted by Queen Elizabeth and confirmed by James 1.: these details, successively re counted, are to be found under date of 1608, inscribed on a pillar in the nave, called Lee’s pillar, from Gervase Lee, the writer of the inscription: in the time of William 1. The ecclesiastical body consisted of ten prebends, six others being afterwards added: in the first year of Edward VI. it was stated to consist of sixteen prebends and as many vicars choral, the Archbishop of York being sole patron, while in royal and apostolic charters the same privileges were assigned to its members as to the canons of York: the revenue was then divided into five parts, respectively allotted ( 1 ) to residentiary canons, ( 2 ) prebendaries, ( 3 ) vicars choral, ( 4 ) chantry priests, ( 5 ) expenses connected with the fabric: the lands belonging to the church lay chiefly in Southwell and Normanton: since each prebend appointed and paid his own vicar choral, there were sixteen of these, whom Walter Grey, Archbishop of York in 1216, erected into a college and appointed them statutes; in 1307 they had residential buildings on the east side of Greet Brook, at a later period in the churchyard, and these premises were rebuilt in 1780; previous to this restoration the edifice was entrusted with oriel windows, porches and projecting oratories, three of which, still remaining, are de corated with the emblems of York and Lancaster and the name ” Wilhelmus Talbot: ” the chantry priests were thirteen in number, and had a large house at the north west corner of the churchyard, which was standing in 1787; many chantries were founded in this church at an early period, an account of which is given in the White Book of Southwell: there were also six choristers receiving a statatable annual salary of £ 2, afterwards increased to £ 3: the present collegiate establishment consists of a rector, one minor canon, an organist, six lay clerks and eight choristers, but by the Bishopries Bill of 1878 it is proposed, on the completion of the requisite endowment, to erect Southwell into an independent see; the sum still to be collected, according to the last printed report of the Southwell Bishopric Endowment Fund, was £ 30,000, but since its publication the old palace, with 44 acres of land, has heen purchased by the Bishop Suffragan of Nottingham, reducing the required amount to £ 4,000: the proposal to found a Bishopric here is not wholly new, since Southwell was one of the new sees projected by Henry VIII. and to which Richard Cox, afterwards Bishop of Ely, was appointed in 1543: the church itself is a large and magnificent cruciform structure, of Bolsover magnesian limestone, consisting of choir, save, transepts, chapter house on the south – east, north porch, central and two western towers, the central tower containing a fine peal of 8 bells, with a tenor weigh ing 33 ewt. successors of the two large bells recorded to have been given by Archbishop Alfrie, who held the see of York from 1023 to 1050; the second and fifth bells have been recast: the nave and transepts, as well as the towers,

are Norman; the choir, its aisles and small eastern transepts Early English; and the chapter house Early Decorated, all of very excellent composition, and there are some Perpendicular insertions; the nave consists of one small and seven large arches of two orders, with a label, supported on short but massive piers 9 feet high and 15 feet in diameter, the caps decorated with ribbed or cushion moulding: its aisles are vaulted in stone, most of the windows being later insertions: the triforium, like that of Blyth, is unusually large and has wide semi – circular arches with zig – zag mouldings on short piers, with dwarf columns at the angles: the clerestory windows are small, showing circles on the outside, surmounted by an original parapet of Mansfield stone; the elerestory is vaulted throughout, and within, the windows are enclosed by archies supported on two small shafts, similar to those of the trilerium; the roof of the nave, dating only from 1711, is flat and of panelled oak, finely carved: the western towers rise in five successive stages and are highly enriched in the upper three, the fifth or belfry storey exhibiting interlaced areading of Norman arches in the north – west and pointed arches in the south west tower, the latter having also a Decorated window in the aisle range; both have plain parapets and cylindrical pinnacles at the angles: until 1801 these towers were crowned with spires of wood, covered with lend, which appear to have been removed for the sake of the metal, but they have been recently reconstructed in the same manner, under the direction of Mr. Ewan Christian, from old illustrations, and an original drawing by Turner, executed shortly before their removal: the west front is lighted by a large Perpendicular window, still retaining some fragments of its original glazing, beneath a battlemented parapet, and has a fine Norman doorway of five orders; above the basement is a string course with chevron mouldings, which also runs entirely round the building: the transepts date from the period 1109-14; the fronts of each wing being of two bays with three tiers of windows, there having probably been an eastern apse in the south wing; between these, supported on four massive Norman arches, simple in style and stately in elevation, rises the central tower, with an open lantern of two stages, pierced with couplets of windows in each stage on every side, and terminating in a plain parapet with four principal and as many inferior pinnacles: the choir, begun about 1230, affords a perfect example of the Early English of Henry III. and Edward 1. and is one of the best illustrations of this style in the kingdom; it bears traces of having been erected on the site of an older structure, probably the early church of Paulinus, and consists of six bays opening into aisles, two airlekss bays beyond forming a Lady chapel; the piers, composed of clustered columns, support elegantly – shaped arches, enriched with dog – tooth ornament; the vaulting- shafts, banded midway, rise from corbels, and the triforium, arranged with two elegant openings in each bay, consisting of Barrow arches on triplets of columns, exhibiting all the enrichments peculiar to this style, is perhaps unrivalled for purity of design and fidelity of minute de tail: an elaborate stone screen, of Decorated work, dating from about 1350, encloses the choir westward, and consists of three open arches on elegant columns with foliaged ends, presenting some of the most beautiful among the known examples of this kind of ornament produced in the latter part of the fourteenth century; these arches have ogee tresoils of graceful design in the head, and triangular crocketed hood mouldings, terminating in a finial, and are flanked on either side by arched stone panels, similarly treated; the cornice being adorned with beads and other figures: the chapter

house is octagonal and is connected by a cloister with the north aisle of the choir; exteriorly, it has massive canopied and erocketed buttresses terminating in pinnacles, and a pointed roof, and is surrounded with a pierced parapet: the interior entrance from the cloister is through a doorway of extremely elegant and beautiful design, consisting of a recessed arch, supported on a series of columns, the caps of which are most exquisitely carved in imitation of leaves and flowers, both the archivolt and the spaces between the shafts being enriched with carved foliage; the doorway is divided into two by a single clustered shalt, forming open trefolled arches, the remaining space being filled with a quatrefoil; the roof is of stone, vaulted, but there is no central pier, the small diameter of the building not requiring it: the windows are of three lights, with geometrical tracery in the heads and the surrounding stalls, light and simple in design, are divided by single columns, surmounted by triangular floriated canopies: the eastern front of the minster is bisected by a pier as at Romsey and Pershore, and has two tiers of lancets, of which the four lower lights were glazed with einque – cento glass, by Gully Knight, in 1818: on the eastern side of the north – west transept is an Early English building, erected during the period 1248-00, and formerly a chantry or singing school, the lower part of which now constitutes the library, consisting of about 1,800 volumes of miscellaneous literature, with some few of value, the greater part being gilts from different prebendaries and canons of the church: the well known White Book of Southwell, ” an ancient register of the church, still pre served in the library, contains grants from the period of the Conquest to nearly the end of the reign of Henry VIII.: here also is kept the ancient register of Thurgarton Priory: the upper storey of the building is used as a treasury: the north porch, situated midway down the nave, is of magnificent proportions and deeply recessed: the choir retains five Decorated sedilia of late thirteenth century work, and stalls restored by Bernasconi; the organ was built by Father Schmidt, and renovated by Snetzler in 1766: a singular history attaches to the brass eagle lectern, a gift to the church from Sir R. Kaye, who purchased it of a watch maker in Nottingham, into whose hands it had fallen on the sale of the fifth Lord Byron’s effects in 1778: it originally belonged, it is said, to Newstead Abbey, and was fished up from the adjacent lake in the last century; subsequently it was sent to a brazier for repairs, who, on unscrewing the hollow pedestal, found therein a number of royal grants and other parchments relating to the abbey, from which it is inferred that the monks, on the dissolution of their house, had adopted this singular but successful method of preserving their records; the lectern bears the inscription, ” Orate pro anima Radulph Savage, et pro animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum: ” the church plate includes two chalices and patens, dated 1663: of the many archbishops of York, connected by residence with this church, six are known to have been buried within its precincts, viz. Geoffrey de Ludeham, in 1264; Thomas de Corbridge, 1303; William Booth, 1464; Lawrence Booth, his brother, 1480; Robert Holgate, about 1545 and Edwin Sandys in 1588: the tomb of Archbishop Sandys, formerly on the north side of the choir, is now in the north transept, and consists of a large altar tomb of alabaster with his recumbent effigy, the sides of the tomb bearing the figures of his children, together with a

long Latin inscription: an altar tomb, formerly on the north side of the choir, with a headless figure, and now in the south transept of the choir, has been conjectured to be that of Archbishop Ludeham, but is probably of later date; the brass of Archbishop de Corbridge has disappeared from its stone, now in the north transept, as well as others formerly upon a plain alter tomb on the south side, assigned to Archbishop Holgate; of the Booths, Archbishop William was interred beneath a stone in the south aisle, where also was once the altar tomb of Archbishop Lawrence Booth: in the chapter house is an inscribed stone to William Talbot 1485: the dimensions of the church are – total internal length 313 feet, length of transept 126 feet, of nave 143 feet 7 inches by 66 feet broad; the central tower is 116 feet in height, and its base 40 feet square; and the western towers have a wall – thickness of 4 feet 6 inches: the whole edifice is now undergoing thorough repair, including as already described, the reconstruction of the western spires, the re – roofing of the nave, aisles, transepts, library and chapter – house,

the renewal of the flooring generally, and the refitting of the choir with new stalls; the accumulated cost being estimated at about £ 20,000; a sum of £ 4,000 was expended on repairs in the last century, in consequence of a violent storm on the 11th November 1711, when the southern spire was fired by lightning, part of the roof and central tower burnt, the bells melted and the organ destroyed. There were anciently five chapels in this parish: one in Palmer’s yard, Easthorpe: a second about half a mile from this; a third in the hamlet of Normanton, used in 1787 as a barn; a fourth, St. Catherine’s chapel, stood at the extreme end of Westhorpe, and gave its name to the neighbouring well; the fifth was at the upper end of Farthing Street; none of these chapels are now standing, the last, at Normanton, laving been pulled down about 40 years since. About 1780

spacious stone building was removed from the corner of the hill close abutting on Burgage Hill, supposed to have been part of the hospital of St. Mary Magdalen, existing here in 1313. Three gateways to the minster precincts, and some remains of a fourth, were standing in 1787, two being on the north side of the church, and two on the west; of these, one now remains on the west, another on the north – east, and a third on the north. The ancient palace of the archbishops of York, now in a partially ruinous condition, is situated about 30 yards south of the minster, and immediately adjoining the churchyard: it was begun by John Kempe, archbishop from 1425 to 1452, and completed by his successor, Archbishop William Booth and other subsequent prelates, and was a favourite residence of Cardinal Wolsey: the buildings, when perfect, formed a large quadrangle, with gardens and park immediately adjacent on the south: there are considerable remains of the south, eastern and north elevations all in ruins, except the grand old banqueting hall of Henry VI.’s time, on the north, over a subordinate storey below; there remain also on this side the eastern gable and portions of the walls of the chapel; between these, at the ends of the northern elevation, is an open space, which will probably be filled up by the proposed new buildings, and will thus connect the chapel and hall together; westward of the hall is a modern addition, forming a dwelling – house; these remains are remarkably picturesque, and the whole palace could, if

necessary, be fully rebuilt, but it is considered probable that one side of it will amply suffice for the needs of the future bishops of Southwell: the Bishop of Nottingham has, with great liberality and public spirit, purchased the existing structure, together with all the old archiepiscopal gardens and a small portion of the park, and is shortly about to

restore to its original stateliness the ancient banqueting hall, replacing in its windows the royal and other shields of arms which once adorned them, as well as afterwards the chapel, intending to dedicate the restored palace to the use of the refounded see. The register dates from the year 1559, and is in good condition. The living is a rectory, yearly value £ 450, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Lincoln and held by the Rev. James John Trebeck B.A. of Christ Church, Oxford; Hev. Robert Frederick Smith M.A.

of Lincoln College, is the minor canon.

At the time when Southwell palace was the residence of the archbishops of York, and its magnificence and hospitality at their zenith, the prelates had four parks in its vicinity, viz. Southwell, or the Little Park, on the confines of which the palace stood; Hockerwood, about a mile north east; Hexgrave, about 4 miles north – west; and Norwood, half a mile west. Hexgrave, in the parish of Farnsfield, contains the remains of an ancient encampment of considerable extent, and is the seat of G. Sugden esq.; the mansion is pleasantly situated in about 800 acres of land. Norwood, a mile north – west, extends over 90 acres, and is now the property of J. E. Chambers esq.: in the park is still standing the oak known as ” Cludd’s Oak, ” after Mr. Edward Cludd, a famous Parliamentarian justice during the period of the Civil War, who having purchased the estate and built a house thereon, was wont to solemnize marriages, according to

the custom of those days, beneath the boughs of this venerable tree: he died bere in 1672 and was buried in the nave of Southwell church. The Hall, a handsome red brick mansion, is of modern date, and pleasantly situated, nearly in the centre of the park. The Residence House, a modern building, together with the houses of the vicars – choral, forms a quadrangular block of buildings, situated eastward of the church.

Holy Trinity is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1846: the church, built by subscription for the district of Westhorpe, was consecrated 31st March, 1846, and erected at a cost of about £ 4,000, £ 1,000 being given for the endowment: it consists of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, porch and a western tower with a lofty spire, containing 1 bell: the

extreme length from east to west is 122 feet; height of spire from the pavement to the top of vane, 150 feet: a parsonage house was built by subscription in 1860. The register dates from the year 1846. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £ 230 net, partly arising from the pew rents and partly from grant from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, with one acre of glebe, in the gift of trustees and held by the Rev. Arthur Charles Garbett M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford.

 The Wesleyans have a chapel, built in 1840, in Prebend yard, and the Baptists a large and commodious building in Moor lane.

The Grammar school has now an annual endowment of about £ 22, paid to the master, who has also a free residence adjoining the Minster yard; that portion of it formerly contributed by the Chapter and the Prebend of Normanton being now paid by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, while the £ 10 granted yearly at Midsummer by Edward VI. from the Exchequer, is represented by a sum of £ 7 13s. 5d. derived from the Woods and Forests: ” there are no free boys, strictly speaking, but the choristers from the Minster are educated at reduced fees, paid by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners; they formerly enjoyed the exclusive advantage of two scholarships and two fellowships attached to St. John’s College, Cambridge, founded in 1531 by Dr. Keton, canon of Sarum, for ” scholars, choristers of Southwell; ” these rewards were eventually dissociated from the school and thrown open to general competition, the last legitimate

holder being the present archdeacon of Nottingham: the scheme of instruction includes such branches of literature and science as are usually held necessary for a liberal education, while it provides, at the same time, a thoroughly sound training for boys intended afterwards for commercial life: the ordinary tuition fees amount to £ 4s. 48. per annum, and in the higher course to £ 12 12s: boarders are received from 17 to 23 guineas per annum. Visitor, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln; head master, Mr. John Wright; second master, Mr. J. S. Wright B.A. late scholar of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge.

There are several charities, amounting to about £ 75 yearly, left for the relief of the poor and the education of poor children.

There is a Savings Bank, established in 1818.

Malting is carried on here, and there is a silk factory, employing about 100 hands. Bricks are also made and a few knitting frames are worked.

The Manor House, now inhabited by Miss Monckton, in the Burgage part of the town, was formerly the residence of Lord Byron, the poet, who spent many of his boyish days here.

Normanton Hall, the seat of Thomas Francis Rolt esq. is a handsome mansion, situated in 30 acres of land, on an acclivity about a quarter of a mile from Southwell station, overlooking the town and commanding a fine view of the surrounding country.

Southwell has not been without royal visits: King James I. passed through the town in 1603, when on his way to London to assume the crown of Great Britain; and at the beginning of the civil war, Charles I. immediately before raising the royal standard at Nottingham, came to Southwell on the 18th August, 1642, and again, after the fatal engagement at Naseby, 14th June, 1645; finally, it was on the 6th of May, 1646, that the hapless monarch once more arrived at Southwell, and taking up his quarters at the King’s Arms, surrendered himself to the Scots ‘ Commissioners, who were sitting in the Archbishop’s palace.

The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords of the manor.

The acreage is 5,645; rateable value, £ 17,384; the population in 1881 was 2,866.

Parish Clerk, Peter Coxon.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions & c.


  Savings Bank & Government Insurance & Annuity

            Office & Stamp Office.

     Postmaster – Richard Swift, King street.

Letters arrive at 4.45 a.m. & at 3 p.m.; delivered at 7 a.m.;

dispatched at 8 p.m. Box closes at 7.45 p.m. but letters

are received until 7.55 by payment of an extra id. stamp.

Money orders are granted & paid between the hours of

9 a.m. & 6 p.m

RECEIVING OPPICE, Westhorpe, William Hall, receiver.

There are WALL LETTER BOXES in Easthorpe &

West gate

Daily Posts. To Westhorpe, Halam, Edingley & Farns

field, Henry Bradbury, postman; to Halloughton, Thur

garton & Bleasby, John Ulyatt, postman; to Oxton,

George Hewitt, postman; to Upton, Hockerton, Wink

burn & Kirklington, Jesse Whiles, postman; leaving

Southwell at 6.30 a.m. & returning at 7 p.m


John Henry Becher esq. Southwell

J. E. F. Chambers esq. Norwood park

Rev. Thomas Coats Cane, Southwell

Robert Kelham esq. Bleasby hall

Col. B. S. Pegge – Burneil, Winkburn ball

Charles Storer esq. Lowdham grange

Colonel William E. Warrand, Westhorpe hall

      Clerk, George Kirkland, Church street

Petty Sessions held on alternate fridays in Town hall.

Places in the Petty Sessional division are: -Bleasby,

Bilsthorpe, Eakring, Edingley, Farnsfield, Fiskerton,

Halam, Halloughton, Hockerton, Hoveringham, Kirk

lington, Morton, Southwell, Thurgarton, Upton & Wink



British Empire Mutual Life, W. Booth, Easthorpe

County Fire, Henry E. Greatorex, Smith’s bank

Imperial Fire, G. S. Brameld, Market place

Law Life, H. C. Stenton, Market place

Law Union Fire & Life, George Kirkland, Church street

North British & Mercantile, J. H. Bradwell, Burgage

Provident Life, H. E. Greatorex, Smith’s bank

Royal, J. Wright, Charch street

Scottish Equitable Life, J. Whittingham, Queen street

West of England, T. Bates, Queen street

Yorkshire Fire & Life, A. T. Metcalfe, Market place


Inland Revenue Office, Saracen’s Head, ” Market place

Police Station, Burgage, William Webster, inspector & one

 constable; with one at Farnsfield, one at Eakring & one

 at Fiskerton, being a subdivision to Newark

Savings Bank ( established March 31st, 1818 ), John Kirk

 land, actuary & secretary

Stamp Office, Richard Swift, distributor

              SOUTHWELL UNION.

          Board day, tuesday, fortnightly.

The Union comprises the following places: -Averham, Bathley, Bilsthorpe, Bleasby, Boughton, Budby, Buleote, Carlton – upon – Trent, Caunton, Caythorpe, Clipstone, Cromwell, Eakring, East Stoke ( part of ). Edingley, Edwinstowe, Egmanton, Elston, Elston Chapelry, Epperstone, Farsfield, Fiskerton, Gonalston, Grassthorpe, Gunthorpe, Halam, Halloughton, Hockerton, Holme, Hoveringham, Kelham, Kersall, Kirklington, Kirton or Kirkton, Kneesall, Laxton or Lexington, Lowdham, Maplebeck, Morton, North Muskham, Norwell, Norwell Woodhouse, Ollerton, Ompton, Ossington, Oxton, Park Leys, Perlethorpe, Rolleston, Rufford, South Muskham, Southwell, Stay thorpe, Sutton – upon – Trent, Syerston, Thorpe, Thurgarton, Upton, Walesby Wellow, Weston,  Winkburn; the rateable value is £ 207,569.

Clerk to Guardians, John Kirkland, Church street

Assistant Overseers, Epperstone, Samuel Willis; Farns

  field, Thomas Tongue; Fiskerton, James Long; Kelham,

  Eli Crampton; Lowdham, Thomas Haslam; Morton,

 James Long; Oxton, William Wain; Southwell, Thomas

  Holt; East Stoke, Thomas Moore; North Musk ham,

  George Jackson; Sutton – on – Trent, Joseph Day; Weston,

  William Sandifer

Collectors & Relieving Officers, Arthur Blundell, No. 1

  district; Jason Adamson, Kneesall, No. 2 district

Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, C. Calvert, West

  gate, Southwell, Southwell district; H. P. Long, South

  well, Farnsfield district; R. H. Sers, Epperstone,

  Lowdham district; J. F. Greenwood, Newark, Caunton

  district; F. H. Appleby, Newark, Sutton – on – Trent dis

  trict; C. H. Whitington, Tuxford, Loxton district;

  E. Wright, Ollerton, Ollerton district

Superintendent Registrar, John Kirkland, Church street

Registrar of Marriages, George Kirkland, Church street

Registrars of Births & Deaths, Arthur Ble

  Easthorpe, South district; & Jason Adamson, North


The Union Workhouse is situated on a pleasant spot in the parish of Upton, a short distance from the town of Southwell, & near the railway: it was erected is 1824, at a cost of £ 6,506, for 49 parishes, associated under Gilbert’s Act, & will hold 191 inmates: the building is large, & well arranged, with about six acres of ground, principally laid out as a garden: the infirmary was added in 1870, at a cost of £ 1,000. William Shackloek, master; Rev. Richard B. Earle, chaplain; Campion Calvert, surgeon; Mrs. Mary Ann Shacklock, matron


Clerk, John Kirkland

Medical Officer, Charles Wills, Mansfield

Inspector of Nuisances, Henry Dixon, Southwell

Fire Engine House, Queen street. Keys kept at William

Butler’s, Queen street. There are twelve firemen appointed, residing in different parts of the town, numbered from 1 to 12, & distinguished by a strip of hoard placed over their doors, with the word ” fireman ” & the number written on it

Gas Co. Easthorpe, John Kirkland, secretary

Southwell District Highway Board, John Kirkland,

Church street, clerk; John Garratt, Oxton, surveyor

Town Hall, Westgate


Assessors & Collectors of Taxes, Jabez Adamson & Thomas

Watts, Westhorpe

Clerk to the Commissioners of Tazes, John Kirkland,

Church street

Inland Revenue Officer, Francis Houston, Westgate

Steward to the Copyhold Courts, Southwell, Wood

borough, Laneham, Scrooby, Ranskill, Sutton – cum

Lound & Askham, Henry Cawdron Stenton, Market pl

Surveyor of Taxes, H. P. Pacey

Town Crier, Henry Swift, Queen street



Minor Canon, Rev. Robert Frederick Smith M.A

Rector, Rev. James John Trebeck B.A

Organist, Arthur Marriott

Verger, Peter Coxon

Trinity Church, Rev. Arthur Charles Garbett M.A. vicar

Baptist Chapel, Rev. J. H. Plumbridge, minister

Wesleyan Chapel, Rev. William Calvert, minister


Grammar, John Wright, master; J. S. Wright H.A. second master

National, Moor lane, erected, with a residence for the master & mistress, in 1840, will hold 200 children; Henry Salt, master

Endowed Free, Easthorpe, endowed with £ 35 per annum, left in 1780, the children paying a small weekly fee; Mrs. Linney, mistress

Infant, West gate, built in 1860, & available for about 220 children; Miss Elizabeth Dixon, mistress

Wesleyan, Queen street, William George, master


Railway Station, George Peck, station master

Omnibus to meet all trains


NEWARK – Wm. Gibson & Thomas Fryer, mon. wed. & fri

NOTTINGHAM – Thomas Fryer, tues. thurs. & sat


Barlow Thomas, Church street

Barnett Henry Conway, Station rond

Becher John Henry J.P. Hill house

Becher Mrs. Hill house

Berry Mrs. Easthorpe

Biddle Richard, Capri villa, Westhorpe

Bradley John Northage, Westhorpe

Brameld Gudfrey Sherwood, Church st

Brookes John, Station road

Brown Cornelius. Alma bo. Westhorpe

Burton Mrs. Park street

Calvert Campion, West gate

Calvert Rev. William Wesleyan ],

Park street

Cane Rev. Thomas Coats J.P. [ vicar of

Kirklington ], Brackenhurst

Caudwell Charles

Chambers John E. F. J.P. Norwood pk

Chouler Mrs. Burgage

Clay Miss, Easthorpe

Clay Mrs. Burgage

Clayton Edward, West gate

Clements Thomas, West gate

Dixon Mrs. Park View house

Drummond Hay Sir Edward Hay, –

South hill

Earle Rev. Richard Bethel [ vicar of

  Edingley & chaplain of Southwell

  Union ], Church street

Elliot George Stokoe M.D. Spring ter

 race, Easthorpe

Elsam Thomas, Norwood villa

Fitzjoln Rev. Thomas Lechmere Tudor

  M.A. [ curate ]

Fryer Samuel, West gate

Garbett Rev. Arthur Charles M.A.

  Holy Trinity vicarage, Westhorpe

Gee Mrs. Park house

Glaister Mrs. Burgage

Gordon Mrs. West gate

Greatorex Henry Edmund

Hall Mrs. Easthorpe

Heathcote Mrs. Burgage bill

Hodgkinson Miss, West gate

Hutchinson Mre. The Palace

Jackson Mrs. Easthorpe

Johnson James, Maythorne

Kirkland John, Church street

Kirkland George, Church street

Kirkland John William, Church street

Langtry George, Park gate

Leek Mrs. Park street

Long Henry Plater, Westhorpe lodge

Machin Henry, Easthorpe

Machin John, King street

Marriott Mrs. Westgate

Meugens Peter Joseph, Westhorpe

Metcalfe Arthur Tom F.o.s. Market pl

Monekton Miss, Manor house

Naylor Mrs. Market place

Neepe Miss, Burgage

Osborne John Henry, Church street

Parkinson Leonard, West gate

Pigot Mrs. Easthorpe

Plumbridge Rev.J.H. Baptist ], Park st

Rawson Mrs. Station road

Rolt Thomas Francis, Normanton ball

Smith Rev. Robert Frederick M.A.

 ( vicar of Halam ], Vicar’s court

Stenton Henry Caudron, West gate

Stenton Richard Henry, West gate

Sutton Miss, Church street

Sutton Rev.Arthur Frederick [ curate ),


Swift William, West gate

Tatham Mrs. Vicar’s court

Taylor Miss, King street

Trebeck Rev.James John B.A. [ rector ],


Walker Thomas, Hardwick house

Warrand Col. Wm.E.R.E., J.P.Westhrpe

Warrand Mrs. Westhorpe

Warwick Mrs. West gate

Warwick Richard Huskinson

Watkins Mrs. Vicar’s court

Wintour Mrs. West gate

Woods Mrs. Easthorpe

Wright John, Church street

Young William M.R.C.v.s. West gate


Adams George, naturalist, King street

                        provision Adamson Jabez, grocer &

 dealer, assessor & collector of taxes

 & see. to Wesleyan Friendly Society

Adamson Sarah ( Mrs. ), stay ma. West gt

Allobrook Samuel, Lord Nelson,

 West gate

Bacon Thomas, grocer, baker, confec

 tioner & provision merchant, King st

Barker Charles, farmer, Westhorpe

Barker William, shopkeeper, West gate

Barlow Elizabeth ( Mrs. ), grazier, Radley

Bates Thomas & Co. family grocers,

 agents for the Cromwell Brewery Co.

 Newark ales & stout, Guinness’s double

 stout, & Bass’s ale in cask & bottle,

 Findlater & Co. Dublin stout in casks

 & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, wine &

 spirit merchants, Queen street

Bee David, printer & c. Westgate

Blancher Thomas, saddler, King street

Blundell Arthur, registrar of births &

 deaths, Easthorpe

Bond Charles, general dealer, Easthorpe

Bradwell John Howard, land surveyor

 & estate agent, Burgate; & Commer

 cial buildings, Long row, Nottingham;

 & Swan hotel, Mansfield

Brameld Godfrey Sherwood, manager

 of the Nottingham & Nottingham

  shire Bank, Market place

Brown William, butcher & licensed

 dealer in game, King street

Buckland Alfred, sewing machine agent,

 jeweller & boot & shoe factor, Market pl

Buckland Wm.boot & shoe ma. Easthorpe

Budd Wm. market gardener, Easthorpe

Burdin & Price, wheelwrights, Westgate

Burdin Williarn, farmer, Easthorpe

Butler Edward, plumber, Kirklington rd

Butler William, blacksmith, Queen st

Calvert Campion, surgeon, West gate

Caudwell Edward, miller, Water mills

Caudwell Lydia ( Mrs. ), coal dlr. King st

Chadburn Arthur, draper & grocer,

  wine & spirit merchant, Allsopp’s pale

  & burton ales in cask & bottle, Lon

  don & Dublin stout, agent for Messrs.

  Moet & Chandon, Epernay; Manches

  ter house, Market place & Queen st

Challand William, farmer, Brinkley

Chantry Samuel, higgler, West gate

 Chappell Mary ( Mrs. ), btchr. Easthorpe

Childs William, watch ma. Queen st

Chilton George, farmer, Durdham

 Clark William, farmer, Wheldon farm

 Cottam Andrew, grocer, Easthorpe

 Cottam George, dairyman, Easthorpe

 Crawford Ann ( Mrs. ), farmer, Queen st

 Croom Robt. chimney swpr. Easthorpe

 Cropper Dorothy ( Miss ), dress maker,

  West gate

Crosby Reuben, hair dresser, perfumer

 & agent for the United Kingdom &

 Imperial Union Insurances, King st

Davis Thos. Hy. saddler, Market place

Denman Frederick, brazier, West gate

Dixon Henry, Black Bull, & inspector

  of nuisances to the rural sanitary

  authority, King street

Dodd Mary Ann & Son, painters, King st

Dodd James, Ironmonger & grocer,

  King street

Dominick Daniel, shopkeeper, Easthorpe

Donson William, shopkeeper, West st

Downing James Hy. chemist, King st

Drury George, chemist, Market place

Duckmanton Wm. farmer, Westhorpe

Elliott George Stoker M.D. surgeon,

  Spring terrace, Easthorpe

Ellis George, brewer’s traveller, King st

Ellis George, shoe maker, Burgage

Ellis Robert, plumber, Queen street

Fines Sarah ( Mrs. ), milliner, Queen st

Fletcher Wm.Allen, provsn. dlr. Westgt

Foster Edward, blacksmith, Easthorpe

Foster Jas. wheelwright, Kirklington rd

Foster Thomas, blacksmith & cowkeeper,


Foster William, shopkeeper, King st

Foster William James, baker, King st

Fryer Thomas, carrier, West gate

Gas Co. ( John Kirkland, sec. ), Easthorpe

Gibson Geo.machine owner, Normanton

Gibson Richard, grazier, Easthorpe

Gibson William, carrier, West gate

Glastone George, shoe ma. Easthorpe

Gleadle Geo, beer retir. Kirklington rd

Grammar School ( John Wright,

  master; J. S. Wright B.A. 2nd mast )

Gregory John, stone mason, West gate

Grundy Charles, jeweller, draper, gen

  eral outfitter & boot & shoe dealer,

  Queen street

Grundy Richard, tailor, Westhorpe

Gyngell Lionel, ale & porter mer.We.gte

Hall Francis, Newcastle Arms

Hall George, shoe maker, Westhorpe

Hall Richard, shoe maker, West gate

Hallam John, gardener, Norwood hill

Harrison William, watch ma. Easthorpe

Harvey Richard, butcher, Easthorpe

Hatfield Richard, butcher & licensed

  dealer in game, Church street

Heathcote Catherine ( Mrs. ), ladies ‘

  boarding school, Burgage

Henderson James, farmer, Normanton

Hoe Richard, shoe maker, West gate

Holmes John, grocer, King street

Holmes John, shoe ma. Kirklington rd

Horsley John, draper, Queen street

Horsley Rachael ( Mrs. ), milliner, dress

  maker, & wool & general fancy re

  pository, King street

Horsley Robert, Saracen’s Head family

  & commercial hotel & posting house;

  omnibus to meet all the trains, Mar

  ket place

Horsley Sl. Portland Arms, King st

Houghton Francis, farmer & grazier,



  officer, West gate

Isherwood Frederick, Admiral Rodney

  inn & commercial hotel, King st

Jallings Henry, butcher, Queen street

Jolinson Bean, farmer, Normanton

Johnson & Co. silk throwsters & lace

  thread manufacturers, Maythorn mill

Keetley Henry, shoe maker, Easthorpe

Keetley Joseph, shopkeeper, Easthorpe

Kemp George, shopkeeper, West gate

Kirkland George, registrar of marriages

  for Southwell union & clerk to the

  magistrates, Church street

Kirkland John, clerk to the commis

  sioners of taxes & highway board &

  guardians, & superintendent registrar,

  Church street

Kirkland Jn. Wm. sclicitor, Church st

Knowles Francis, house decorator &

  ornamental painter, carver, gilder &

  picture frame manufacturer;

  paintings cleaned relined & restored,

  Market place


Lee Edward, plumber, West gate

Leek Brothers, coal, coke, lime, salt,

  cake & corn merchants, Railway

  station; agents for Ind, Coope & Co.;

  brewers, Burton – upon – Trent, & the

  Carrington Brewery Co. near Not

  tingham; greengrocers & graziers;

  attendance at Newark, wednesdays;

  West gate & Queen street

Literary Society & News Room ( Rev.

  James Barrow M.A. president; A. T.

  Metcalfe P.G.S. vice – president; Alfd.

  Buckland, hon, sec.; F. Knowles,

  treasurer ), Market place

Linney William, farmer, Brinkley

Long Hy.Plater, surgn. Westhorpe Idg

Loughton Mary ( Mrs. ), whitesmith,

 Queen street

Maltby Jas. Holland joiner & e. Easthorpe

Maltby Mary ( Miss ), dress ma. Moore la

Maltby Wm. Singleton, tailor, West gt

Marriott Arthur, organist of Southwell

 Collegiate church & professor of

 music. Vicars court

Mason Harriett & Elizabeth ( Misses ),

 day school, West gate

Mason Thomas, painter, Easthorpe

Massey Philip, farmer, Westhorpe

May Harriett ( Mrs. ), shopkpr. West gate

Merryweather Henry, nurseryman,

 The Nursery

Merryweather William, wheelwright,


Metcalfe Arthur Tom P.G.S. solicitor &

 commissioner for oatlis ( firm, Stenton,

 Son & Metcalfe ), Market place

Miller John Robert, painter, West gate

Minkley John William, general &

 furnishing ironmonger & agricultural

 implement agent, West gate

Moore Samuel, Swan commercial inn;

 horses & traps on hire, King street

Mountney Geo. cowkeeper, Easthorpe

NallGeo.Johnston, altster, King street

Newton Nathaniel, Wheatsheaf, King st

Newton William, solicitor, Market pl

Noble Richard & George, builders & con

 tractors & brick makers, Church st

Nottinghams Nottinghamshire Bank

 ing Co. ( Godfrey Sherwood Brameld,

 man. ), Market pl.; draw on London

 & Westminster Bank, London e.c

Oliver Edwin, tailor, Westhorpe

Ordidge John, grocer, draper & shoe

 warehouse, West gate

Osborne John Hy. surgeon, Church st

Parker George, builder, Westhorpe

Plowman Joseph, farmer, Brinkley

Pyzer Samuel, news agent, King st

Pyzer William, tailor, West gate

Revill Mary ( Mrs. ), Hearty Good

 Fellow, Basthorpe

Richardson Job, Shoulder of Mutton,

 West gate

Richardson Wm. dairyman, Westhorpe

Richmond Thomas, beer retailer, shop

 keeper & basket maker, Westhorpe

Rickett George, builder, Easthorpe

Rodman William, tanner & currier,


Rogers Ann ( Mrs. ), shopkpr. Easthorpe

Rolfe Caroline Marin ( Miss ), ladies ‘

 boarding school, West gate

Rollin William, farmer, Normanton

Rumford Jane ( Mrs. ), tea dealer, con

 fectioner & dealer in british wines;

 bride cakes in every design made to

 order, King street

Rumford John, farmer, Normanton

Sandaver Samuel, gardener, King st

Sandaver Samuel, jan. china & glass

 dealer, King street

Savings Bank ( John Kirkland, actuary

 & secretary )

Saxby William, farmer, New Radley

Sharman John, Reindeer, West gate

Sharp Henry, Crown commercial &

 family hotel & posting house; om

 nibus to meet all the trains on receipt

 of order, Market place

Simpson Edward, fancy repository & c.

 King street

Shumach Henry, naturalist

Smedley William, shoe ma. Westhorpe

Smedley William, White Lion, Easthrpe

Smith & Nephew, brewers; & at Work

 sop & Retford

Smith Samuel & Co, bankers, Market

 place; draw on Smith, Payne &

 Smiths ‘, London e.c

Smith Thomas, shopkeeper, Westhorpe

Southwell Brewery Co. Limited ( Geo.

 Langtry, man. ), brewers & spirit mers

Southwell Co – operative Stores ( David

 Bee, manager ), Westhorpe

Squires William Fredk. family grocer

  & tea dealer, provision merchant & c.

  Market place

Stafford John, cowkeeper, Westhorpe

Stanley Robt. Swan, chemist, Markt. pl

Stenton, Son & Metcalfe, solicitors,

  Market place

Stenton Henry Candron, solicitor &

  perpetual commissioner ( firm, Sten

  ton, Son & Metcalfe ), Market place

Stenton Richard Heury, solicitor ( firm,

  Stenton, Son & Metcalfe ), Market pl

Stout Francis, George & Dragon, & saddler, Easthorpe

Swift Henry, town crier, bailiff, bill poster & boot & shoe makr. Queen st

Swift James, shoe maker, King street

Swift Richard, stationer & postmaster, King street

Swift Samuel, butcher, King street

Taylor George, plumber, King street

Taylor William, livery & bait stables, omnibus & cab proprietor, horses & traps on hire

Taylor John, grazier, Easthorpe

Taylor Sarah ( Mrs. ), stay ma. King st

Taylor William, maltster, Burgage

Templeman George, baker, West gate

Tinley Edward John, seedsinan, corn factor & dealer in cake, King street

Tinley George, farmer, Old Radley

Town Hall Assembly Room ( Francis Knowles, secretary )

Townrow John, tailor & woollen draper, liveries, ladies ‘ riding habits & c. Market place

Wand Henry, butcher, West gate

Waterhouse Jeremh. grazier, Easthorpe

Watkin Henry, shopkeeper, Easthorpe

Watts Mary ( Mrs. ), grocer, King at

Watts Thomas, tailor, & assessor & collector & of taxes, Westhorpe

Wells William, farmer, Norwood farm

White Thomas, shoe maker, Westhorpe

Whittingham John, bookseller, stationer, printer, bookbinder & photographer, Queen street

Wild Thomas, painter, West gate

Wilkinson Philip, whitesmith, bell

 hanger, gas, hot & cold water fitter & ironmonger, King street

Wilkinson Valentine, rope & twinemaker, Queen street

Willerton Richard, practical watch & clock maker, jeweller, silversmith & optician, King street

Wood Jas. Cowzin, farmer, Normanton

Woodward Thos.blacksmith, Westhorpe

Woodward Thomas Brittle, maltster,  Easthorpe

Workman’s Rest Coffee & Reading Rooms (Thomas Daybell, manager), Westhorpe

Wright James, draper, King street

Wright Martha ( Mrs. ), ladies ‘ day school, King street

Wright Thos. boot & shoe ma.Market pl

Wykes John, shoe maker, King street

Young William M.R.C.V.S. veterinary surgeon, West gate

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  • Nottingham: Old Photos & Film
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