The Reverend Henry Bourne

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The Reverend Henry Bourne was one of the eminent men of Newcastle upon Tyne whose life was described in a book published in the year 1855.

The information is an extract from History, topography, and directory of Northumberland, comprising a general survey of the county, and a history of the town and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with separate historical, statistical, and descriptive sketches of the boroughs of Gateshead and Berwick-upon-Tweed, and all the towns … wards, and manors. To which is subjoined a list of the seats of the nobility and gentry, which was published by William Whellan & Co. in 1855.

The Rev. Henry Bourne, author of “Antiquitates Vulgares,” was a native of this town.

In early life he was bound apprentice to a glazier, in the Side, in Newcastle, but evincing a disposition for letters, his master cancelled the indentures, and he was again sent to school, and was admitted a sizar in Christ’s College, Cambridge, in 1720.

Having taken his degree, he returned to Newcastle, and was appointed curate of All Saints’, where he officiated till his decease in 1733.

Besides the work above mentioned he was the author of “A Treatise upon the Collects, Epistles, and Gospels of the Book of Common Prayer,” in 1727 ; and “The History of Newcastle,” in 1736.

This last was not published till three years after the author’s death.

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