Glimpse history through fascinating old images of Portland, Maine.
Old Photos of Portland, Maine

Portland, ME: 1898 – 1920
Each of these old photos of Maine taken between 1989 and 1920 have clear titles added showing the location and approximate date, so you always know when and where you are.
Old photos of Portland(Maine)1898-1920 – oldstuff4all on YouTube
Franklin Street
This 14 minute video shows us what Franklin Street used to look like, and takes us through a period of demolition and ‘slum clearance’.
It’s packed with information and engaging old maps and photos. You can even see some of the contemporary newspaper articles about the redevelopment at the time it was planned.
History of Franklin Street, Portland, Maine – WhittenHouse on YouTube
Portland in the 1970s
In the 1970s, teenager John Duncan picked up his camera and wandered round the city streets taking pictures of the people and places he saw.
He published it as a book called Take it Easy: Portland, Maine in the 1970s.
History Facebook Groups
If you want to share memories and photo of Portland, Maine, or discover more about its history, you’ll find an incredible amount of community resources and discussions available in Facebook groups.
Here are some of the great groups free to join:
Portland Maine History 1786 to Present