Old Images of Newburyport, Massachusetts

Old photo of Hennessey House, 2 Summer Street, Newburyport, Essex County, MA

Glimpse history through old images of Newburyport, Massachusetts, in the USA.

Old Photos of Newburyport MA

Old Picture of Newburyport House

Old picture of the Home of Lord Timothy Dexter, Newburyport, Massachusetts with wooden statues on pillars and passersby enjoying the view, published between 1809 and 1815
Old picture of the Home of Lord Timothy Dexter, Newburyport, Massachusetts with wooden statues on pillars and passersby enjoying the view, published between 1809 and 1815. Image: John Rubens Smith, Library of Congress.

The Newburyport Waterfront

This video looks at images of, or talks about :

  • Bell tower of the Putnam Free School, saint paul’s Episcopal Church, and the Old North Church
  • Patches Wharf and its possible association with fishing schooners owned by French and Horton
  • Brown’s Wharf; its construction by Moses Brown, and the process of repairing ships
  • Harris street presbyterian Church and the Unitarian Church on Pleasant street
  • Carter’s Wharf and Fowler’s Wharf, with the construction of the bark Lennox in the background
  • Middle street and Fair street churches
  • Eastern Railroad trestle and its connection to Hoyt’s Mast yard
  • James’s Textile mill and its later use as a shoe manufactory
  • City Wharf; formerly Greenleaf and then Courier’s Wharf, and the rigging of a small ship
  • Obadiah Horton’s shipyard; later Mackay’s shipyard, and Atkinson and Fillmore
  • Globe Mill, later called the Peabody Mill, and its location
  • Central Wharf and its use by Charles H Lunt for fish and importing business
  • Outfitting and barrel making activities
  • Prospect street congregational Church and its absence in the present
  • Ferry wharf and its operator, John March
  • History and transformation of the barn bridge into a railroad bridge
  • Warehouses on Davenports, later called Bailey’s Wharf
  • Williams Wharf and its use for storing and selling lumber
  • Old South Church and Universalist Church in the area
  • Warehouses on Coombs’s and Johnson’s wharves
  • The ship Ohio and its operations
  • Bartlett Mills, and their burning in 1881
  • Custom House and its Wharf
  • Brick buildings on Bartlett’s Wharf
  • Gunnison’s and Granger’s Wharf

Custom House Maritime Museum Presents: History of The Newburyport Waterfront. – Newburyport Custom House Maritime Museum on YouTube

The video was created by Newburyport’s Custom House Maritime Museum.

Custom House Maritime Museum

The Custom House Maritime Museum, located in Newburyport, Massachusetts, is housed within a former United States customhouse.

After the Great Fire of 1811, which destroyed Newburyport’s previous customhouse on State Street, this Greek Revival edifice was constructed in 1835.

The renowned architect Robert Mills, known for designing the US Treasury building and the Washington Monument, was the mastermind behind this elegant structure.

Constructed using granite sourced from Cape Ann, the customhouse materials were transported by barge to Newburyport. Local masons skillfully shaped the rock, meticulously following Mills’ architectural plans to create this magnificent building.

The museum was established by the Newburyport Maritime Society in the 1970s with a crucial mission: to preserve and interpret the maritime, local, and customhouse history associated with the area.

Its exhibits proudly showcase historical artifacts linked to the maritime industry, local heritage, and the customs operations that took place within its walls.

Furthermore, the museum boasts an extensive collection of primary source documents spanning from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries, enriching the understanding of the region’s past.

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