Old Images of Baltimore, Maryland: Pictures, Photos & Film

Baltimore Maryland June 1940

Enjoy a glimpse of history through old images of Baltimore, Maryland.

Old Pictures of Baltimore

Old Photos of Baltimore

Old Photos 1870-1910

This collection of old photos of Baltimore taken between 1870 and 1910 take us back to a time when horses and carriages travelled through the streets of the Business District, and horse drawn carts parked up outside the Light Street stores.

Each image is carefully labelled with both the location and approximate date the old photo was taken, so you always know when and where you are.

Old photos of Baltimore(1870-1910) – oldstuff4all on YouTube

Baltimore in 1972

In 1972, a British filmmaker recorded his visit to Baltimore’s key landmarks.

He captured the local business and shops, people going about their daily lives, development sites, and the American Export Lines’ Independence (1950) laid up near Fort McHenry at the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center piers.

In six and a half minutes you see a breathtaking range of people, places and events. There are probably thousands of people captured in this incredible piece of film.

Baltimore 1972 archive footage – Footageforpro.com on YouTube

Pictures of Baltimore

Browse a wide range of images on the Local History Videos Pinterest boards, including vintage pictures, old photos, antique maps and archive film.

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