Enjoy a trip back in history through fascinating archive film and old photos of Rochester, Pennsylavnia, in the USA.
Old Photos of Rochester, PA

The Glassworks

Olive Stove Works

The Ohio River

Rochester’s Gravedigger

Brighton Avenue
Enjoy a short history video about Rochester’s Brighton Avenue, once the thriving center of the town’s commerce.
History in a Minute: Rochester’s Brighton Avenue – The Beaver County Times on YouTube
The Ohio River’s Rochester-Monaca Bridge
When the Rochester-Monaca Bridge opened in 1897, it was the first traffic bridge over the Ohio River between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, West Virginia.
History in a Minute: Rochester-Monaca Bridge – The Beaver County Times on YouTube
The Penn-Beaver Hotel
During the eras of canal and railroad travel, Beaver County was home to many lavish hotels. In Rochester, one of the final hotels of the railroad era was built to be symbol of progress – the Penn-Beaver Hotel.
History in a Minute: Penn-Beaver Hotel – The Beaver County Times on YouTube
Historic Rochester, PA
This short video gives an overview of Rochester’s history, along with a variety of photos which mostly come from the collection of Robert Batto. Includes Grail Studios, Brighton Avenue, Conway’s Corner, and the Majestic.
Rochester Pennsylvania History – Don Fraser on YouTube
More about Pennsylvania
- Rochester, Pennsylvania in Historic Images of the PastEnjoy a trip back in history through fascinating archive film and old photos of Rochester, Pennsylavnia, in the USA. Old Photos of Rochester, PA The Glassworks Olive Stove Works The Ohio River Rochester’s Gravedigger Brighton Avenue Enjoy a short history video about Rochester’s Brighton Avenue, once the thriving center of the town’s commerce. History in… Read more: Rochester, Pennsylvania in Historic Images of the Past
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