Old Images of Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Cedar Rapids Iowa c1914

Glimpse history through old images of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

A Book of Old Pictures

This booklet illustrating Cedar Rapid’s landmarks was rescued out of a box of old photos and postcards found in a house in Huxley, Iowa back in the 1980s.

Recorded on 16mm film in December 1940 and January 1941, the Downtown streets of Cedar Rapids are bustling with people and vehicles.

Historic Cedar Rapids Iowa – TheKiDFoX on YouTube

Explosion! 1919

May 22, 1919 saw one of Iowa’s worst industrial accidents, as the Douglas Starch Works suffered a huge explosition just as the switchover between day and nights shifts was taking place.

44 people died, and photographers recorded the serious damage done to the factory and local houses.

Cedar Rapids History: Telling the Douglas Starch Works Story – Brucemore Site on YouTube

Downtown 1940

Note the Salvation Army’s sign asking for help to provide Christmas dinner,s toys, clothes and fuel to help the needy.

Downtown Cedar Rapids Iowa December 1940 & January 1941 – Oculas9 on YouTube

Downtown 1962

Visitors to Downtown in Chrsitmas 1962 were greeted with bright overhead lights and a glittering array of exciting shop windows.

Downtown Cedar Rapids Iowa December 1962 – Oculas9 on YouTube

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