Glimpse history through fascinating old images of Albuquerque, in the US State of New Mexico.
Old Photos of Albuquerque

Albuquerque Then and Now
See what First and Central looked like over a hundred years ago.
Albuquerque: Then and Now – KOAT on YouTube
Albuquerque in the 1950s
This film clip, recorded next to the YMCA in the 1950s, is only 12 seconds long but is a rare glimpse of an ordinary day in past Albuquerque.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. in the 1950’s. Archive film 98897 – HuntleyFilmArchives on YouTube
Reuniting Family Photos
Sam Porter’s car was stolen in 2019. When it was later returned to him, it contained a box full of old family photos and documents that didn’t belong to him.
Thanks to Sam’s attempts to find the rightful owners, he was contacted by Barbara Martin. Burglars had stolen the family documents from her home, and she was delighted to be reunited with these irreplaceable items.
Albuquerque man tracks down owner of vintage family photos – KRQE on YouTube
A Bit of Albuquerque History
Extract from:
A Complete Business Directory of New Mexico, and Gazetteer of the Territory for 1882
Pages 22 – 26
ALBUQUERQUE. The date when Albuquerque was first settled is a disputed question, but it is very probable that it ante-dates the occupation by the Spaniards.
Be that however as it may, it is its latter history, and the remarkable growth which has taken place since the advent of the railroad – April 15th, 1880, which will be noticed.
There are but few towns in the territory which have shown such progress as has Albuquerque since that date.
Business and dwelling houses have gone up with a rapidity only equaled by the surprising readiness with which they have found occupants.
Business in all its varied branches seems to have sprung up as if by magic.
Eighteen months ago the site upon which the future metropolis of the great southwest now stands was but the fallow field of the thrifty native.
The transformation has been truly wonderful. There are now located here some of the most extensive wholesale and supply houses, and among the most important business interests of the place are the round houses, machine shops, and terminal offices of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad, which are permanently located here.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe also has large interests here, and will do much for the town.
Woolen mills are already under way, and will be completed early the present season. A foundry and machine shops on a large scale are now in operation, in connection with which is to be put in operation by the same parties, sampling works.
A smelter with large capacity is also among the probabilities the coming summer.
Two street car lines are now running in main thoroughfares of the city.
The hotel facilities are among the best in the territory.
A charter has been obtained, and a company formed, to put in gas works, which will be in operation in a short time.
A brick machine is now on the way here, which, when under way, will supply an urgent need in building material.
Money has been subscribed to bridge the Rio Grande at this point, which will greatly augment the business of the merchants, by bringing to them a large trade, which, on account of the dangers of crossing the river, is forced to go elsewhere during a greater portion of the season.
Two flouring mills are constantly running and doing a handsome business at present, with flattering prospects for a large increase in business the present season.
The school institutions are worthy of flattering notice. The Albuquerque Academy, incorporated under the laws of the territory, and liberally assisted by the New West Educational Commission, of Chicago, is in a flourishing condition.
Its board of trustees are some of our most wealthy and influential citizens. This institution is nonsectarian, and is being well supported by endowments and donations.
The public school for boys, under the supervision and management of the Christian Brothers, is deserving of special mention; there is also under the auspices of the brothers here a college, where a full course is given.
There is now being erected a magnificent structure, to be used as a convent school, which will be under the management of the Sisters.
The government has established here an industrial school for Pueblo Indians, at which are taught the common English branches, agriculture, domestic economy, etc. This institution is under the management of Professor J. S. Shearer. The government has appropriated money and is erecting substantial buildings for this institution.
The church and society privileges are all that could be desired in point of excellence. The churches embrace all of the principal denominations, and are receiving daily accessions to their members.
The press of Albuquerque has done much for the town. It embraces the “Journal,” a morning daily, publishing full telegraphic reports; the “Review,” an evening daily, mainly devoted to local interests, and the “Miner and Manufacturer” published monthly, as its name indicates, devoted mainly to the mining and manufacturing interests of the county.
There is also the “Revista de Albuquerque,” a Spanish weekly, which circulates largely among the Spanish speaking residents.
The hearty support which all of these journals are receiving evidences that the business men of the city fully appreciate the benefits which their publication brings to the town.
The above is necessarily but a short review of one of our most important cities of the territory, and one which is destined to become one of the centers of trade in the southwest.
If its future growth is to keep pace with that of the past two years, not many more will elapse before the census returns will show a population of 10,000. At present it is about 3,500.
More Old Pictures of Albuquerque
Old Albuquerque in New Mexico, USA, enjoyed through historic photos, vintage pictures & archive film. Browse history in these fascinating old images of a bygone era on my Pinterest Board at
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